15th June 2023

Legal obligations: What an employer needs to know when training their staff

As an employer, it's important to ensure that your staff are equipped with the necessary tools and skills to excel in their roles.


The better the training you provide, the more benefits your company will reap. However, it's not just your company that you have an obligation to, but also the law.


There are certain legal requirements that you must adhere to when training your staff, failure to do so may lead to severe penalties, fines, or other negative consequences for your business.


Although legal obligations for training may vary from state to state, here are some key things to keep in mind:



The first legal obligation you must consider is proper record keeping. It's critical to have all the relevant training paperwork for each of your employees and contractors. Having the right documentation is essential for compliance, proving that your team has been trained in areas such as safety measures, incident reporting, and company policies and procedures. Proper record keeping not only ensures compliance, but it can also protect you in case of any disputes where an employee or contractor claims that they did not receive adequate training.



Another legal obligation that you must fulfill is disclosure. If your employees or contractors are exposed to any potential hazards while working, it's crucial to inform them during the training period and before they begin working on-site. For instance, if you run a construction company, you need to highlight any potential hazards that could harm the trainee, such as excessive noise or exposure to chemicals. By doing so, the trainee is aware of the potential hazards and can make an informed decision about whether they want to take the job.



Some positions require specific licenses or accreditations. If you employ individuals in such positions, you are legally obligated to collect and verify their licenses and accreditations to ensure that they are registered. Having unlicensed or unaccredited employees in positions that require licensure or accreditation can create significant legal issues for your business.



At Standard Candle HR, we provide HR management tools and support that can help you fulfil your legal obligations by streamlining your induction and training process. Our services can make managing your training more efficient and less stressful. If you're ready to get started, contact Standard Candle HR today call  1300 620 100 to learn more about how we can help you manage your training needs while staying compliant with legal requirements.


Legal obligations: What an employer needs to know when training their staff

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