21st September 2022

Supporting your employees means supporting mental health.

Supporting your employees means supporting mental health.


Following R U OK day, we wanted to showcase SCHR Wellbeing Services, engaging employees to lead better, successful and happier lives at work.


Even on the best days, stress can prevent employees doing their best work. In the wake of COVID-19, with burnout and stress continuing to rise, it is clear that employers need to commit time and energy to make sure they do all they can to help their staff. Not just for the sake of their staff but for the success of the business.


With more than a third of our lives spent at work, its effect on wellbeing can be vast and companies have a duty of care for their employees no matter where they are working from.


Have you noticed changes in an employee or colleague? Perhaps they seem distracted or like they have a lot on their mind? If your gut instinct tells you something is worrying an employee, start a conversation to see how they are.


Things to consider when starting a conversation:

•            No one person is the same on how they will respond to this type of conversation

•            You need to approach a conversation like this with compassion, empathy and professionalism

•            Listen and ask probing questions to understand the situation as much as possible, being sensitive to confidentiality

•            Offer support and acknowledgement while working through possible options for the employee to consider

•            What the employee doesn't need is 'sympathy' – as an independent and someone not emotionally involved, as the employee is, they need your guidance and for 'you' to be objective when thinking of possible solutions


If work performance is being impacted, employers and employees have a responsibility to consult and discuss in an open, honest and professional manner, for a mutually beneficial resolution.

Taking care of employee mental and workplace wellbeing poses a significant challenge to any business. Standard Candle HR Employee Wellbeing services play a massive role in creating a happy, motivated and engaged workforce, which leads to improving the working environment for you, your team and your clients. Call us today 1300 620 100 to help boost employee wellbeing.


Options to talk with employees about:

Flexible work hours, health insurance plans, yoga classes... Companies increasingly rely on benefits like these to boost employee wellbeing. Perhaps adapting offerings, employers are doing what they can to support staff with work life balance for a positive impact on individuals, job performance and the workplace.  

Supporting your employees means supporting mental health.

Work better with Standard Candle today

Make an enquiry Call 1300 620 100